Know Breast Cancer and Kind

Know Breast Cancer and Kind Breast cancer is a type of cancer is the second most feared by women after cervical cancer . Breast cancer found in the lining of the milk producing , developing a malignant tumor to other body parts . In the category of lobular carcinoma which starts from the lobules , while growing - flower from another channel called ductal carcinoma . It is the most common invasive cancer in women worldwide , it is because life expectancy and low style . There are several types of breast cancer that developed and divided into types of non - invasive and invasive .

In breast cancer , non-invasive type often known as carcinoma in situ , the cancer is found in the breast ducts and has not spread to the outside . This cancer does not always cause a lump that can be detected by hand , since mammograms were found . A common type of cancer is ( DCIS ) , those other types that can cause cancer is invasive ( LCIS ) . Breast cancer is a common type of invasive ductal infiltrating carcinoma ( IDC ), which can spread to the lymph system . This type of cancer has the ability to spread beyond the breast although this does not mean necessarily spread . The most common form of breast cancer is invasive ductal lining cells develop in the breast . Early symptoms of breast cancer patients usually occurs thickening or lump in the breast and surrounding will be sore to the touch . In addition there will also be the shape and color of redness on your breast , but in severe cases also occur in the bleed nipple .
If you include the risk of developing breast cancer , you do not need to fear because not all people will have the factor of this dangerous disease . By maintaining a healthy life is one way to prevent early as possible . Consuming food anticancer especially vegetables and fruits that contain substances such as calcium , riboflavin , beta-carotene , falate , lutein , vitamin A , vitamin B , and vitamin D on a regular basis . Balanced life and avoid stress .Know Breast Cancer and Kind maybe useful.
Know Breast Cancer and Kind | Belajar Islam | 5


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