The Risk of Having Too Much Sleeping


TheRisk of Having Too Much Sleeping People need to sleep after doing a lot of daily activities so they can continue the next tasks in the next time, we need a rest, a certain time break within the activities to keep our body health. Sleeping is needed by human being. Keep stay working without sleep, we will run out of energy and it’s dangerous for us.
Sleeping will makes our five sense have time to refresh, eyes closed, nose doesn’t smelling, ears don’t listen and skin don’t feel about the things, our tongue don’t taste then our brain is not thinking anymore. Normally, we take sleep for about 8 hours a day.
But having too much sleeping is not good for our body or healthy. Not only physically but also psychologically for oversleeping. We will explain them below.
  • Sleeping more than 8 hours a day makes body passive, because it doesn’t burn the calories ant left much fats in our body, this causes obesities.
  • Oversleeping makes body finds depression.
  • Thirty eight percents of people who sleep more than 9 hours will easier to be effected heart attack Psychologically
  • Makes us get angry easily, tired, and lazy to do our daily tasks.
  • Makes us not creative and not productive 
Thus, be wise in scheduling our sleep and our life habits. To stay health, we need enough good food, enough exercises and of course enough sleep, to take more than we need is not recommended because it causes instability in our life. It seem little thing but it makes big influence to our life story, stay health and have a good and meaningful life.

Thus my article about The Risk of Having Too Much Sleeping. may be useful 

The Risk of Having Too Much Sleeping | Belajar Islam | 5