Efficacy Know Natural Leaf Binahong - Binahong has the scientific name Basella sp. Parts of the plant which has many benefits for the body that leaves part binahong. In Indonesia, the leaves binahong been proven since ancient times to treat various health problems. Binahong including in plants that can propagate. Place the plant life exist in upland areas and areas with low-lying. Benefits binahong widely used for various kinds of herbal medicines are widely available in the market.
Binahong benefits to the skin, namely to treat acne that appears on your face. Substances in the leaves binahong can effectively kill the bacteria that cause acne. How to use binahong leaves to treat acne is by applying a smoothed binahong leaves regularly. Regular use will accelerate the healing process of acne. In addition, leaf binahong will make your skin smoother and brighter. Binahong for health benefits can not be denied anymore. Health benefits are extremely diverse. One of the benefits to health that leaves binahong treat ulcers. This disease occurs because the stomach to produce excess gastric acid. By eating the leaves binahong, then your stomach acid will become normal again. In addition, binahong leaves is also beneficial for effective antioxidants counteract free radicals in your body. With antioxidant content, it will make your body become healthier and avoid various types of dangerous diseases. As it turned out, the leaves can also be overcome binahong uric acid in your body. Uric acid is a disease that attacks the joints of your body parts. Patients with gout will experience a very severe pain in the joints. It certainly makes you not feel comfortable in performing daily activities.
Binahong also useful to overcome the bad cholesterol in your body. Binahong leaves will neutralize the bad cholesterol content contained in the blood vessels. Cholesterol in the blood vessels will lead to the presence of plaque in blood vessels. This will result in a blockage of blood vessels. This will result in the blockage of blood flow to the heart becomes blocked. Surely this is very harmful for health.
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