Benefits and Efficacy Dates

Benefits and Efficacy Dates - Dates are one of the foods that are commonly consumed in the month of fasting. Fruit typical of the Middle East has a very sweet taste. Benefits of dates had been no doubt. In fact, the benefits of these dates is already implied in the Qur'an. Dates have a scientific name Phoenix dactylifera. Dates are included in the family Palmae. Dates contain a high glucose. Thus, by eating dates every day, you will get the energy to do activities. In 100 grams of dates contain a range of nutrients that are needed by the body. Nutrients contained in dates include calcium, fat, fiber, and others. By doing so, the benefits of dates can be felt by all ages.
Benefits of dates for a baby is to improve the body's immune system in infants. The immune system is also called endurance. Benefits of dates is almost the same as that done naturally immunization. With a good immune system in infants, will make the baby not susceptible to various diseases. The body's immune system played by white blood cells. White blood cells is what will kill the microorganisms that enter the baby's body. In one of these dates grain contains a substance that will make the immune system better. Dates for health benefits are extremely diverse. Benefits of dates is very easy you get to consume it directly. Health benefits, among others, to maintain eye health. Eye is one of the most important organs for humans. Many diseases that can infect your eyes. Therefore, maintaining eye health is very important for you to do. Consuming one grain of dates every day to maintain the health of your eyes. This is due to the presence of vitamin A which is quite high in a date. In addition, benefits of dates for human health is to prevent the occurrence of stroke. This disease occurs due to an abnormal heart rate.
For the fetus, the palm will make the fetus in the womb will be more healthy. If a mother consumes dates, then the fetus will develop well. In addition, the fetus would contract properly when going out of the mother's womb. With these benefits, you can consume dates on a regular basis so that the fetus remains in a healthy condition.
Benefits and Efficacy Dates | Unknown | 5


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