How to Strengthen Bones Naturally

Howto Strengthen Bones Naturally, People have only knows that enough to prevent bone loss with calcium. In fact, bone strengthening calcium only the outside only. While the important part is the inside of the bone that will determine the strength of the outer bone that is formed by a substance called hydroxyapatite, a substance that the same components with components of the mammalian bones and tough layers. This time we will share about How Strong Bones Naturally for you, see and rewarding. 

Hydroxyapatite, is food for the bones, which is derived from animal bones such as chicken, horse, cow, or goat. Logically, it is the right food for your bones is the bone. Therefore, consuming chicken scratch that contains calcium, collagen, hydroxyapatite is naturally able to maintain bone strength. Reach peak bone density when you are at the age of 20 years. Since then, your task is to keep the level up to get the calcium and vitamin D are sufficient to offset the sport and then think about next steps. Bone mineral density test (BMD = Bone Mineral Density) can tell how strong your bones. Your doctor may combine the results of this test with other risk factors such as age and gender will be aimed at determining the risk of fracture in the next 10 years. For this test problem, please consult your doctor. Vitamin D can help improve and accelerate bone formation and strengthen the muscles of the body. This can reduce the risk of bone fracture or brittle. Meet the needs of as many as 1,200 mg of calcium a day, about four glasses of nonfat milk (non-fat) or three cups of nonfat yogurt, and also fill 1,000 IU of vitamin D. This recommendation is based on the National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF). If you do not like dairy products, as an alternative you can drink orange juice that is fortified vitamin D and calcium. In addition, you can also eat almonds, soy, and supplements. 

Strong muscles and bones will improve balance and coordination body, so that you avoid the risk of falling that can lead to broken bones or brittle bones, which in turn will increase the risk of osteoporosis. Hopefully these few simple tips to keep your bones strong and prevent osteoporosis risk.that How to Strengthen Bones Naturally, maybe useful.
How to Strengthen Bones Naturally | Belajar Islam | 5


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