Oral health is something that should be kept healthy and
comfortable in living daily life , such as why it says two things are important
and affect our lives . If you do not maintain oral health properly it will lead
to various diseases such as swelling around the mouth area of the gums ,
cavities , sensitive teeth , bleeding gums and even tooth pain . If you attack
a toothache , then whatever you do to make your days be unpleasant . This time
we will review about it and provide a solution for you .
The first to consider is the food , for a healthy diet can
make your teeth and mouth healthy. As well as foods that contain vitamins ,
minerals along with other nutrients that can protect teeth from decay and mouth
from excessive bacteria . So is the time to eat , because after you eat acid
will be formed within 30 to 40 minutes . Also avoid snacking after your meal
snacks weight , aim the creation of excess acid in the mouth that make
unhealthy mouth .
The second drink water / mineral water , because water is
the largest component in the human body which is also one of its basic
ingredients of saliva in the mouth produce . So to make saliva stay healthy ,
we need to drink 8 glasses of water every day . And in the water also contained
a substance that can protect the fluoride every tooth enamel .
Did you know that dental desperately need vitamin calcium
that can repair damaged teeth and keeping it healthy . Usually the calcium
found in milk and healthy foods that contain milk , such as cheese . It is in
need by the teeth . Similarly , tooth decay is caused by excess sugar so avoid
consuming extra sugar in your food or drink . But not complete if only to avoid
these things , you also have to be diligent brushing teeth at least twice a day
. But it would be nice if you could keep your mouth after every meal that is
also still feels fresh . So the things you should consider .
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