Developing a Community Health Care

Developing a Community Health Care

Health care is often associated with the prevention , treatment , stabilization process of physical, mental and spiritual through the services provided. In the past , most of the individuals and communities believe that healthy and sick as Black or White . In the 21st century , health is seen in a broader perspective . In the prosperous state of social life and enable everyone to live socially and economically productive . Health maintenance and prevention is an attempt to combat the health problems that require examination , treatment or care , including pregnancy and childbirth . Similarly , health education , is the process of helping a person , acting individually or collectively , to make decisions on matters that affect personal health and others . Also argues that a combination of health education in the learning experiences designed to facilitate voluntary adaptation of behavior conducive to public health .
Health Law No.23 of 1992 on Health : Health is a state of well-being of body , soul and productive social life which allow social and economic . Someone who feels his health , arising from the complaint that she felt sick , like not feeling well , etc. A variety of external factors - internal with or without them can cause disease or illness . It could be biological , chemical , physical , mechanical , or psychosocial .
Therefore it should be treated for the prevention susceptible to disease , so that health care should be routinely performed to avoid dangerous diseases . Health and safety risks in the workplace is an issue that affects all businesses , and many organizations are trying to manage this risk , reduce costs and demonstrate a good setting for their stakeholders . Similarly , the company also provides health insurance for its employees in order to be fulfilled as well as the right to a healthy life .
Developing a Community Health Care | Belajar Islam | 5


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