Tips to Whiten Teeth Naturally and Safely

Tips to Whiten Teeth Naturally and Safely, Teeth become one of the key elements to support the appearance , having clean white teeth glow will add more confidence when assembled , performing in front of other people . It's just that many of us do not understand how to take care and keep it healthy teeth , white glow . When we take care of him or because of any bad habits that can cause fading white teeth , the longer it will cause yellow stains on teeth can also cause the appearance of tartar .
What causes yellow teeth ? besides being lazy to brush my teeth , there are two factors that cause yellow teeth is due to extrinsic factors are : chromogenic bacteria , damage to proteins on the surface of the teeth , dye -containing foods , oily foods , beverages like tea , coffee , and soda , antibiotics are consumed , as well as supplementation with high iron . While the causes of yellow teeth due to intrinsic factors are : pain blood disorders , pain hepatic ( liver ) , abnormal development of tooth enamel and dentin , the consumption of tetra ( antibiotics ) . Fruits and vegetables are crisp like apples , pears and carrots works like a natural tooth brush and tooth whitening . Fruits and vegetables are crisp to lift stains and cleans without damaging tooth maximally enemel teeth . Eat your fruits and vegetables after a big meal . Orange peel by rubbing into the inside of your teeth , just like brushing your teeth normally with regular , can also help whiten teeth . It turns out that orange peel has a gentle bleaching agents , and were able to remove dirt or plaque on the teeth without harming tooth enamel . 
Yellow teeth seem to be very disturbing especially in our appearance . As someone who wants to develop a widespread social relations , should be a good appearance will be the main thing to be noticed . Especially for a tooth , it is related as we will communicate with someone directly . Many toothpaste products offer benefits that teeth can be white , but not all of the results can be felt immediately . In addition to the medical treatment was of course will cost very expensive .
Tips to Whiten Teeth Naturally and Safely | Belajar Islam | 5


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